How to Convert Cat's Age to Human Years

 If you-have a cat for a pet and want to know How Many Candles to stick on ITS next birthday cake, you cannot count its age in human years. You have to translates into 'em cat years. Have an interrogate Get an answer from a veterinarian now!

Calculate how aged your cat is. This Will Be quiet if you got the cat. If your vet cannot estimate how old the cat is by looking at ITS teeth and other body parts.

Your cat Develops Physically and sexually Within the first 12 months of life life ITS. A human Reaches this paragraph at About 15 years old. So add 15 human years to your cat's Age for the first year of life ITS.

Add another nine human years to your cat's life on your pet's the second birthday. Your cat HAS Reached the maturity of a person Ages twenty-five.

Add four human years to the cat's Age the for each birthday the two of you celebrate Effective your cat's the second birthday.

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