Your cat loves water!

According to its activity, its power and the outside temperature mode, your cat drinks more or less. Contrary to some beliefs, the cat must be watered with water, not milk! To find out if your cat drinks too much or not enough, and what are the possible causes, we must first address the real needs ... then we will expose you some tips and tricks to optimize fluid intake in your companion

What drink give your cat?

The best drink you can give your cat healthy is water! Accompanied by a quality diet and well balanced, it ensures a healthy life for your friend. To stay healthy, our cats are drinking clean, fresh water they will be available at will, at all times. Indeed, their body is composed mostly of water, it is vital for them to maintain an optimal level of body hydration.

A misconception is to think that cats should receive milk as a main drink. There is nothing! If the kitten drinks milk from its mother, the adult cat quenches his thirst with water, like most other mammals. The intestines of the adult cat are not suitable to digest the lactose in milk. It may cause diarrhea.

 Normal amount drunk per day

Know first that a cat should drink an average of 40 to 60 mL of water per kg of body weight per day. If it's hot, he can drink up to 100 ml of water per kg per day.


The amount of beverage drunk by your cat in the day dependent on its supply. Indeed, food also contain water whose amount differs depending on the type of food ingested. Crackers have a lower boxes (humidity over 70% rate) or household ration water content. In addition, the outdoor temperature, the age of the animal and that any breastfeeding are among the factors which also influence the water needs of our friends.

To find out if your cat drinks too much or not enough, we advise you to quantify the total amount of water drunk per day.
This little test is simple, it takes place for two to three days.
Using a measuring cup, put his bowl in a certain amount of water.
Do not forget to change the water every twelve hours, at least, so it is always clean and fresh. And measure the amount of water that you removed, in order to subtract the amount of water to start.
Also make sure that your cat will never lack water during the day, it would distort the results.

 What if your cat drinks too?

If taken daily drink is greater than 100mL of water per kg, it is called polydipsia. It is often associated with increased urine volume output. Polyuria-polydipsia this is very often a sign of disease, whether a simple potomania diabetes or kidney failure. If your cat drinks a lot, even outside periods of extreme heat, we recommend you speak with your veterinarian. It may, with additional tests, determine the cause of this increase taking drink.

 And if not drinking enough?

Otherwise, if your cat does not drink enough (<30 ml of water per kg per day), even when high temperatures, several solutions available to you to solve this problem drinking. If your cat has access to the outside, he may prefer to drink rainwater during his walks.
It is also possible that maybe does not like the water you give him, or the bowl does not suit him.
Your cat may be a little hard on the subject of water, cats often are. Some cats do not want that drink directly from the tap and do not like to drink from a bowl.

Note that the formation of urinary stones is favored by taking insufficient drink.

So here are some ideas to try to increase the amount of water drunk by your pet:

     Change the water at least twice a day, so it is always clean and fresh.

     Give him a clear glass bowl. Indeed, some animals like to judge the cleanliness of their water or a plastic bowl does not give a good idea about the clarity of the water, again, the plastic can give an unpleasant taste to the water.

     If it still does not want to drink more, try the spring water bottle. Because it is also possible that your cat does not like the taste of tap water in your area.

Know that water fountains for cats also exist. They have an integrated filter that allows for flowing clean water at all times. See our selection of water fountains for cats.

Hint: if high temperatures, if your cat really drink very little, you can make ice gravy. For most cats love it!


Kittens and cats are particularly susceptible to dehydration. They are less sensitive to thirst.

To estimate if your cat is dehydrated, check the "skin fold". You should gently pinch the skin of your pet. If the skin returns to its original position immediately, your cat is not dehydrated. If the "skin fold" persists for a few seconds, dehydration begins. Sometimes the "skin fold" lasts longer and does not disappear even without intervention, then your pet is very dehydrated. At this stage, the dewatering is also marked by more sunken eyes.

If you notice that your pet has a dehydration, introduce him to the water in small amounts and consult your veterinarian.

Tips to follow in case of extreme heat

When the heat rises, your cat, do not sweat it, will be more difficult to regulate its body temperature.

If you are at home, your cat will find the coolest places in the house and often prefer to sleep directly on the floor. It will decrease its activity during the day when it's hot for possibly longer spend the night. Give him access to the cooler parts of the house and change the water regularly available to him so that it always remains reasonable temperature.

By cons, when you're on the road, on vacation, your cat will not always have the opportunity to sleep in a cool place. It will be more stressed and therefore less regulate its body temperature. Give him to drink as often as possible, use a fogger, sprinkle the water if he accepts. Often cats do not tolerate being sprayed with water, we recommend that you moisten a cloth and rub it or cover it with.

Cats are territorial animals. He is very attached to its territory and disrupted when any change. A cat needs about a week to get used to a new home. Therefore, if you go more than a week on vacation, you can take. If your trip does not exceed a week or if the path requires more than three or four hours, we advise you to leave your cat at home. You can ask someone you trust to take care of him every day or every other day if the heat is not too much to give him food, fresh water, cuddles and games. If that person can not come every day, think of vending kibble and water fountains.
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