Maintenance For Cats


Peeling pussy requires no bath but regular brushing. For short haired cat, brushing should be performed once or twice per week using a soft brush with curved spikes at the end.

For its part, the long haired cat needs daily brushing with a brush metal spikes followed by brushing with a soft brush to smooth coat.

Brushing besides providing a healthy look to the hair, prevents the appearance of knots that it is sometimes difficult to remove. There are hair conditioners but it may not work. You can then use instruments that capture the node to the base and allow you to cut without hurting your cat! The fact brushing his coat militates problems related to hairballs.


As we mentioned earlier, the bath in cats is not necessary. Anyway, you still should you bring a cat shampoo if you would be necessary to give him one. First, we must begin with the size of its claws. Then you collect everything you need for grooming:

    Shampoo for cats
    Conditioner (for long-haired cats)
    Clean cotton balls (to protect his ears from the water)
    Absorbent towels
    Baby soft cloth (to clean his head)
    Rubber bath mat (to prevent slippage)
    A shower
    A hairdryer silent

Try as much as possible to avoid the ears, eyes and nose of the jet of water that you will always stuck to his body. Avoid rubbing too hard when washing and drying so as not to form knots in his fur. Then install your cat in a warm place until it is completely dry or dry it with the hair dryer for this purpose.

Nail trims

When your cat's claw gets too long, their cut is necessary. A specialist can handle it if you are afraid to hurt you take or injure your pet. Cutter claw is an essential tool to use because it is designed for that sole function, thus reducing the risk of injury.

For the bezel, it is important to cut the end of the claw in order not to sever the nerve, which may lead to bleeding. For adults, you can identify the veins below the claws if they are light in color.

It is only to cut the claw without touching the vein tends to bleed profusely when cut. For claws dark colors, cut the end, without going beyond the beginning of the curve. For just a cut, apply an astringent powder. If there is bleeding, visit emergency vet.

Teeth cleaning is essential to prevent your cat the many inconveniences caused by tartar. A toothbrush and toothpaste designed for cats are essential tools for effective brushing. And although some treats decrease tartar deposits on the teeth, they do not replace a good brushing, moreover, requires only a few seconds. It is generally advisable not to feed the animal for about 30 minutes after cleaning.

Eyes and ears

Ear cleaning is done only once in a few weeks if earwax from your cat is not produced in large quantities. Using a clean cotton, clean the upper wall of the ear avoiding you too far into the ear canal. Never use a cotton swab.
If your cat is found with traces of tears in the eyes, it is possible to erase with a clean cotton spun.


Unfortunately, cats do not always manage to remove all the hair ingested during their grooming. One can notice the existence of hairballs by the appearance of hard and round as well as sporadic vomiting masses filled with wet hairs stool.

How to avoid?

Grass-to-cats, beside being adored by our four-legged friends, helps eliminate hairballs through efficient digestion. Can predict the sudden regularly brushing his coat, eliminating up to dead hair. Otherwise, the dough laxative base consisting mainly of essential oils lubricate the digestive tract and eases the release of hairballs out of the body.

Give this product more than twice a week cause poor absorption by the body of fat-soluble vitamins in the body of your cat. Normally, it is advisable to provide once a week at a rate of two inches each of dough time.
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