Best Cat's Nutritional Needs

The cat's nutritional needs are specific

In fact, the cat is not a small dog. Dentition and digestive system of carnivorous cat is strict, are adapted to prey consumption meat. For the well-being and health of the cat's diet must include certain nutrients of animal origin.

Coat your cat: bright thanks to proteins

25-30% of ingested proteins are used to meet the requirements related to the renewal of the skin and fur of your cat. Protein deficiency can cause hair loss, slowing the growth of a dull coat and general appearance and brittle, especially in long haired cats.

 Amino acids essential for healthy cat!

Protein, an amino acid of animal origin is an essential nutrient for cats which allows the formation of bile salts necessary for the proper digestion of fats in the small intestine.

protein deficiency causes a degeneration of the retina, leading to blindness within months. Deficiency is also responsible for heart disease and adverse effects on fertility.

 how to feed your cat : Fat: use sparingly

As for proteins, the cat needs fats of animal origin are the sole providers of
arachnoid acid.

 But the cat, unlike the dog is unable to synthesize. However, a cat fed ad Librium a diet containing high levels of fat develops large fat reserves to make obese.

 Choose a feed containing a level of fat and energy density adapted cat and lifestyle is essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

 The risk of obesity in cats is indeed higher than 40% in a individual that lives inside and sleeps up to 18 hours a day.                                                                         


 Digestible carbohydrates: a source of easily digestible energy

Digestible carbohydrates represent the third power source of a food. They consist mainly of starch which is found in the cereals (wheat, maize, rice ...).

 On the energy front, a gram of starch provides the same amount of calories as a gram of protein. Although it is naturally carnivorous, during                 domestication, cats gradually adapts to a diet containing cereals.

 It digests starch cooked, but should not exceed 35% of starch in a dry food, or even 25% for some sensitive cats, such as Persians kittens and cats in particular.

 Minerals: Striking the right balance

Minerals generally represent 6-8% of the total weight of dry food. They are present either in the form of macro-elements (present in large quantities), or as trace elements (present in very small amounts).

 They are essential to the functioning of the body. When food is full, no mineral supplement is required.

 Excess minerals night good digestibility and may even produce the opposite effects to those expected.
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